Friday, April 08, 2005

Be As You Are

It has been two weeks since I have blogged but it hasn't been two weeks since I have run. I was "being as I am" in St. John on vacation for a week and adjusting to being back to reality for a week. In St. John, you can truly "be as you are" as opposed to being who you have to be. Running in St. John is a challenge due to the 45 degree (not kidding) hills (up and down), no shoulders, and drivers not used to having runners around. I always run a couple of days and take the challenge - especially the 4 mile trek from Gallows to the Westin that provides panoramic views of the Caribbean and St. Thomas. The hills are brutal but it is worth the hike. I always like seeing the goats and sheep along the way too - living their simple life. The runs always help me control (not) my food and drink intake or at least make me feel better about it.

I ran and worked out enough to ease into a week of good running as I prepare for the Runner's World Half Marathon. I have run 20 miles this week and will run another 20 over the weekend.

Running also allows us to "Be as we are". You can be wherever you want and whover you want on your runs. In some cases it is where dreams are born out of thought or possibly even where they die out of reason. I am me on my runs. I am not a corporate leutenant. I am not a puppet. I run voluntarily and freely. What else in life truly allows you to "be as you are"?

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