Sunday, February 27, 2005

Listen to the Body

Geaorge Sheehan once said to listen to the body. It would tell you when it needed rest, was injured, or was ready to go. For a month, after the LV Marathon and my 5th marathon within a year, my body has been telling me to rest. I still have the motivation to get out on the road, still have the motivation to race but my body is telling me something differently. The energy in my legs and aerobic capacity seems different, different than it has in the last 4 years. I ran 8 miles today after 6 miles each of the last two days. I was registered for a half marathon and decided not to run based on how I have been feeling...thought I would go out for 10 but after 3 miles I cut it to 8 miles never getting under 9:15 per mile.

I'll listen a little longer but I hope the body starts talking back in more of a positive manner. I would like to run the Cleveland Marathon in May but my body is going to have to tell me that it is OK.

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