Friday, May 20, 2005

Against the Wind

Against the wind, I keep running against the wind, I'm older now, but I keep runnin' aginst the wind... I always feel obligated to write when I run in the rain. Today, I just happened to be running against the wind on a cold, wet, rainy day. It was an uncomfortable but easy 5-miler. I don't run well in the afternoon or early evening. Add the rain and wind and an easy day turns into a hard day. I do like to stress my body and mind on days like this though. I know that at some race, sometime in the future, it's going to be a crappy day with wind, cold and rain. When it occurs, I'm going to know how it feels and know how to run in it. That is the beauty of doing hard things - most of your other experiences feel easy or at least easier.

I see few people out in the rain, let alone runners, and I am sure the drivers in their cars are thinking, "what an ass, out running in this kind of weather!", yet secretly wishing that they were running or at least in the shape to run in this kind of weather. Maybe I will motivate someone someday. If that happens, I hope we can wave to one another while we're both out running against the wind.

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