Thursday, January 20, 2005

19 and 2

Its 19 degrees and 2 inches of snow...what a beautiful morning for a 10 miler! At least there is no wind!

It was such a beautiful, clear, crisp run this morning! I would much rather run in this than when the temperature pushes 90 degrees with 100% humidity. Your body warms and you can layer clothes until you reach that springlike temperature. It is not possible to do this in the summer - your body never cools.

I also noticed something about the way I run. I wrote a piece on my Runners' Thoughts website related to footprints in the snow. I experienced the same thing today. It was a light dusting of snow so my footprints left fossil-like impressions in the snow as did another runner's on my return jaunt. With mine, I could tell that my right foot slightly overpronates and turns a bit outward. I haven't noticed it before but may explain my bout with Plantar Facitis over the last year.

1 comment:

ruach13 said...

if it had been 26 degrees and 2 inches of snow, that would have been pretty cool. :)