Friday, July 03, 2009

Asses and Elbows we were watching Sugarland perfrom on Saturday night in Philadelphia...the song Down to Mississippi included the lyrics:

Hammer down,
here we go Runnin' for the riverboat
All you're gonna see are asses and elbows

...but isn't this all we see as runners in races? ... asses and elbows... and actually, it's not that bad of a sight...

I just hammered down 10 miles at the Manasquan Mecca and although I say "hammered" in jest of the lyrics, I really did pick it up the last 5 miles and hammered! I rode my bike to Mecca all of about 2.2 miles, ran 10 miles and rode back. The people who go to this Mecca seem to be the nicest people in New Jersey. Nearly every runner, walker and rider says hi or acknowledges your existence in some way even if it is "on your left..." The views of the reservoir can be stared at for hours with the calmness and peace of an early morning dew just sitting on the foliage waiting for the Sun to adopt the droplets back into their home. The Osprey nests are still perched high in the naked trees that are protected by the still water of the reservoir. What a great view these sea birds have.

Anyway, what started with asses and elbows ends with calmness and silence. The next time you run a race, think of these lyrics!

1 comment:

Shawn Doub said...

ha ha funny, yet so true!